Friday, May 31, 2019
steroid testing :: essays research papers
Steroids Picture this. Youre watching your favorite baseball player at the plate and the pitch comes and he absolutely crushes the ball strait out of the park but the next day there is a big investigation and your favorite player is caught having used an flagitious steroid to enhance his play. You hope the news isnt true but the evidence is over whelming. Your favorite baseball player broke the rules and is a practical joker (Brown). This terrible scenario can easily be a future reality if steroid stressing doesnt begin regularly. In baseball the owner is allowed to interrogation for steroids once a season and thats all that is mandatory (Shaikin). This interests me because some of my favorite athletes in several sports are being accused of cheating the plump for and I just simply want the truth. Fans over the country agree that there should be more steroid testing, to get rid of the cheaters, but more significantly people believe they need more testing to help save lives.For instance, many people will be in favor of more steroid testing because they want all the dishonest players out. People want the competition and the level of play fair. Nobody wants to have a league where 90% of the players follow the rules and workout and mold there body bodies by using hard work, and see the other ten percent just simply puddle a quick injection of some steroid and have there bodies bigger and faster than the rest (Shaikin). Next, and overwhelmingly people want previous records and accomplishments in love from the record if that person is taking steroids. For example, take a player like Sanfrancisco Giants slugger Barry Bonds, who had 73 home runs in a single season a few years ago and people want him tested for steroids (Brown). It raises a good point. If players have nothing to hide then why not test them. The players seem to have all the control on if they should be testes or not, but people forget that its the owners and the league that decide the policie s.Still, and most importantly the main reason athletes should be tested is for their safety. For example, if a player uses steroids there a number of side effects. They can get liver cancer, cardiovascular problems, sterility, and testicular atrophy (Miller). In fact, withdrawal from steroids is almost as bad as taking steroids.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Cal Ripken Jr. :: essays research papers
Cal Ripken, Jr., was the perfect baseball player. He would play when he had the flu and even when he had a sprained ankle.He was loyal to his city of Balti more(prenominal). He never left if more money was offered. In 1995 he broke Lou Gehrigs 2,130 games by playing 2,218 games in a row. According to World Book, Cal ended his streak of 2,632 consecutive games when he chose not to play in the game of September 20, 1998.He was 6 feet 4 inches tall and weighed 220 pounds. He was and still is the biggest shortstop in major league history. He is the only shortstop ever to hit 20 or more home runs in 10 straight seasons. He is noticed much less than most major league superstars. He only gets noticed for his nifty plays. He is the only shortstop to have a record of start in eight straight All Star games.In his first course of study in the major league, he was voted Rookie of the Year by the newspapers writers who cover the American league. In 1983, at the age of twenty-three, Cal lead th e Orioles to a World serial publication victory. He always seemed the favorite every group would vote for as player of the year. There were two reasons. First was his outstanding performance on the field. guerrilla was the way Cal handled himself off the field. He loves being a role model for children, so he tries to be the best person he can in order to set a good example.In 1987, Cal had a dream come true. His brother Billy joined the Orioles and the team was managed by his father Cal Ripken, older His Father was manager of the team until the beginning of the 1988 season. The Orioles started the season by losing the first six games. The teams owner and general manager made the decision of removing Cal Ripken, Sr. as the manager. Cal Ripken, Sr. was put back as third base coach. Cal Jr. understood, because he knew these things happen in baseball.Cal was so dedicated to baseball that he had a batting cage with a mechanical pitcher in his backyard so he could practice for hours eve ryday. Cal would spend one afternoon a week at Baltimores stadium answering every letter he received from fans. He would hang around the ballpark more than an hour after games, subscribe more than 500 autographs.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
The Love Story in James Cains Mildred Pierce :: Mildred Pierce Essays
The Love Story in James Cains Mildred PierceIn Mildred Pierce, by James Cain, the falsehood revolves around most very interesting and universal concepts that seem to be themes in many of his novels. As in his previous work, the novel revolves around jazz, money, and sex, tho though success is perverse and wish fulfillment destructive, there is no murder (Gale Group Biography) One most interesting theme is the theme of love and lust, and what drove the characters to their actions, and what motivated them. For some it was love, for some it was lust. So is Mildred Pierce a love story? Or is it just a tale of sex and scandals? In Cains works, love appears in almost a interdict appearance, though it is obviously an important aspect. Cain said he had only one story to tell apart a love story. I write of the wish that comes true for some reason a terrifying concept ... I think my stories have some quality of the opening of a forbidden disaster. The act of forcing the wish to come true isolates Cains obsesses lovers from baseball club and places them on what he calls a love-rack (Madden, journal) This forbidden box is very apparent in Mildred Pierce, as seen through the eyes of Mildred. Mildred appears to be a normal working mother, loving her children, and providing everything for them that she can, meanwhile struggling with her finances and problems with societys expectations, and even her miss, Vedas expectations, which are quite a few. But underneath, theres this very forbidden concept. Mildred loves her daughter, Veda, almost too much. James T. Farell refers to Mildreds almost unnatural love for her daughter (Madden James M. Cain, 79) It is never exactly said in so many words, but the idea of Mildred loving her daughter more than what is natural is there, lurking underneath, like a forbidden box, on the verge of opening. Yet, even though we see signs of it, we dont seem to lose watch over for Mildred, because of her character, and the way it is drawn out, because Mildred herself never even realizes it. This is something that would seem to be very hard to accomplish as a writer, and Cain does a fantastic job of it, illustrating the forbidden and the not forbidden love Mildred feels for Veda.
School Project :: essays research papers
Introduction from the principal.Students and ParentsWe welcome you all here to Hard Knock High School. High coach experiences offers nurture opportunities that will provide skills to prepare you for post high school choices. Our staff at HKHS is here to help you through your high school career, and with anything else you need. We are contribute to the public, which means anyone can go here. We are all here to work with you, not against you, as most of you would like to think that we throw you in school to punish you. That is not true. If you try, just a little, then your high school experience at HKHS will be the best you will ever have.I wish you success in all your endeavors as a student at Hard Knock High School. Sincerely,Jessica C. LynchPrincipalRules of School1. consider your peers as well as Teachers2.No Weapons3.No Drugs 4.No Drinking5.No Sexual Contact6.No Beat boxes7.No Profanityacademic REQUIREMENTSCREDIT REQUIREMENTSIn order to graduate from Hard Knock High School, a student shall be required to earn the following70 assign (based on 72 possible in grades 9-12)One credit will be given to each class passed with a D+ or high for each term. REQUIRED COURSESENGLISH 14 ascribeSOCIAL SCIENCE 12 CREDITSSCIENCE 8 CREDITSHEALTH 2 CREDITSCOMPUTER LITERACY 4 CREDITSATHLETIC ELIGIBILTYAll students that wish to play school sports must keep a GPA of 2.00 or higher. No excuses. COLLEGE preceding(prenominal)FRESHMANSOPHOMOREJUINORSENIOR English 9U.S. HistoryMath intelligenceHealthElectivesKeyboarding, modern language fine arts, life skills, etc.English 10Am. HistoryMathBiologyPhys. Ed.ElectivesModern language, fine arts, business, life skills.English 11GovernmentElectivesMath, Chemistry, etc.EconomicsEnglishMathScienceSocial SciModern Lang.Course Selection IndexBUSINESS EDUCATIONKeyboardingBasic Economics 1 & 2Business MathAccounting 1 & 2Computer ApplicationsWeb PublishingWord Processing and AdvancedBusiness ManagementWork ExperienceSchool to work Ment orship and InternshipFINE artsDrama and TheaterDrawlingPaintingCeramicsSculptureSet DesignChoraleChorusBandArt Seminar 1 & 2Computer Design danceENGLISHJournalismSpeechYearbook PublicationsEnglish 9thEnglish 10th
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Mischief, Mayhem, In Tyler We Trust: A Textual Analysis of Personality
Psychological disorders are widely represented in films, as well as in separate media texts such as novels, television shows, etc. One film that portrays more than one example of a psychological disorder is Fight Club, a 20th Century drink film released with an R rating in 1999. Directed by David Fincher and produced by Art Linson, Cean Chaffin, and Ross Grayson Bell, the movie mainly introduces Dissociative Identity Disorders (also know as Multiple Personality Disorders), but also hints at insomnia and depression. The movie is adapted from the book Fight Club written by Chuck Palahniuk. Fox marketed the movie using a myriad of merchandise, including posters, the soundtrack, and even email addresses ( (CNN). The movies production budget was mend at $63,000,000 with the movie grossing $37,030,102 (Daily Box Office). The characters of the movie refer to themselves as the middle children of history with the feelings of having no purpose or place in life. They convey that they have no history-making events or real set goals and/or destiny to look forward to. They were brought up by society to believe that one-day they would be rich, famous and loved just as those depicted on television. This is symbolic of society during the surrounding time of the movies release. It is prevalent in modern society to strive to become someone/something that one sees in the media. The movie is directed towards Generation-X, but the hope was that the film would demonstrate the themes of the story to a larger audience. It would offer more people the idea that they could create their avow lives protrudeside the existing blueprint for happiness offered by society (Palahniuk). This message was one that demanded that its viewers put all that drives them aside, and rethink what they had been taught from childhood. After the films release, instead of delivering the message that was intended, it was met with criticism and misunderstanding. This was due partly to the fact that it was scheduled for release shortly after the Columbine shootings. The movie became an easy target for those noise by the blatant violence which surrounded the Columbine incident. Although Fight Club is a film full of violence it is in reality one that promotes anti-violence, and points out to the audience the human impulses that cause violent behavior. Ironically, despite all of the med... ...iative Identity Disorder (DID) Fact Sheet.http//, Robert.Studies in Popular Culture Who Am I This clipping? Multiple Personality Disorder and Popular Culture.http//, Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital.Medical Encyclopedia Sleeping Difficulty.http//, Albert A, and Charles G. Morris.Psychology an introduction. 12th edition. 2005.Pearson Education Inc., Upper charge up River, New Jersey.Palahniuk, Chuck.Fight Club DVD booklet.PsychNet- UK.Dissociative Identity Disorder Disorder Information Sheet.http// of Iowa health Care.Multiple Personality Disorder Health Topics UI Health Care.http//
Mischief, Mayhem, In Tyler We Trust: A Textual Analysis of Personality
Psychological disorders are widely represented in films, as well as in other media texts such as novels, television shows, etc. One film that portrays more than one example of a psychological disorder is advertize Club, a Twentieth Century Fox image released with an R rating in 1999. Directed by David Fincher and produced by Art Linson, Cean Chaffin, and Ross Grayson Bell, the movie mainly introduces dissociative Identity rowdinesss (also known as Multiple Personality Disorders), but also hints at insomnia and depression. The movie is adapted from the book Fight Club written by Chuck Palahniuk. Fox marketed the movie using a myriad of merchandise, including posters, the soundtrack, and even email addresses ( (CNN). The movies production budget was set at $63,000,000 with the movie grossing $37,030,102 (Daily Box Office). The characters of the movie refer to themselves as the middle children of history with the feelings of having no purpose or place in life. They convey that they have no history-making events or real set goals and/or destiny to look forward to. They were brought up by society to believe that one-day they would be rich, famous and loved just as those depicted on television. This is symbolic of society during the surrounding time of the movies release. It is prevalent in modern society to strive to become soulfulness/something that one sees in the media. The movie is directed towards Generation-X, but the hope was that the film would demonstrate the themes of the story to a larger audience. It would offer more people the cerebration that they could create their own lives outside the existing blueprint for happiness offered by society (Palahniuk). This message was one that demanded that its viewers put all that drives them aside, and rethink what they had been taught from childhood. later the films release, instead of delivering the message that was intended, it was met with criticism and misunderstanding. This was due partly to the fact that it was scheduled for release shortly after the Columbine shootings. The movie became an low-cal target for those upset by the blatant violence which surrounded the Columbine incident. Although Fight Club is a film full of violence it is in public one that promotes anti-violence, and points out to the audience the human impulses that cause violent behavior. Ironically, despite all of the med... ...iative Identity Disorder (DID) Fact Sheet.http//, Robert.Studies in Popular Culture Who Am I This Time? Multiple Personality Disorder and Popular Culture.http//, Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital.Medical Encyclopedia Sleeping Difficulty.http//, Albert A, and Charles G. Morris.Psychology an introduction. 12th edition. 2005.Pearson statement Inc., Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.Palahniuk, Chuck.Fight Club DVD booklet.Psyc hNet-UK.Dissociative Identity Disorder Disorder Information Sheet.http// of Iowa Health Care.Multiple Personality Disorder Health Topics UI Health Care.http//
Monday, May 27, 2019
Circumstances Surrounding Osama Bin Laden’s Death
Joe Jumper was a normal everyday person like most adults. He would get up from issue and get ready for the day by showering and eating. Then he would drive off to Walmart where he worked as a cash register. But something was different rough Joe everyone noticed that he carried around a bag and when asked what was inside he would never tell. So that being people thought he was weird and he was kind of an eruptcast. Joe didnt care what those people thought because in the end he probably ended up saving them.What was in the bag was his courting of all black. His secret indentity was Night Rider. As Night Rider he patrolled the city at night of course or on his offdays. People rightfully didnt know who he was but were very thankful of him. So one night when he was out his head just started twitching and he could sense danger. So he looked around and for some reason it took him to the Vikings Stadium. He went inside and went to the Away teams locker room. Well in there he found out the reason why he got the twitch. Aaron Rodgers.Night Rider loved the Minnesota Vikings so to help them out he spit exculpate near Rodgers which made him jump back. Then Night Rider snoke in the shadows and got behind Rodgers. Then he tied him up, taped his mouth shut, and locked him in the janitors room. The game was about to start so he went and found a good seat in stands. He watched the game and saw the Vikings blow out the Packers mainly because they couldnt find Rodgers. So the Packers went home and Joe thought he forgot something somewhere in the stadium. Well I guess it doesnt matter I better get home before someone notices me.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Facing the Facebook “Responce”
Facing the Facebook Response Ive realized engineering is very helpful now years exactly in the school meanss its more distracting than anything else. As Michael J. Bugeja stated in Facing the Facebook, Academics assessing learning outcomes often discover that technology is as much a distraction in the schoolroom as a tool. I catch myself checking my phone in class every now and then but when I do I strike down out on what the instructor is teaching.Technology is a great tool for us to learn and gather in gradation but when you institutionalize technology in the classroom it becomes more distracting than helpful. It isnt rare to look around the classroom and see a few classmates on their cell phones, laptop or any other(a) electronic device. Although instead of using technology to do research on the topic being discussed in class, most use it as a form of entertainment, which makes it hard to pay attention to the lecture being given by the instructor.As Bugejas essay tells the readers, Increasingly, however, our networks are being used to entertain members of The Facebook Generation who text- capacity during class, talk on their cell phones during labs, and listen to iPods rather than guest speakers in the wireless lecture hall. Ive had my own personal experience where technology distracted me from learning and taking the proper notes for a test. Instead of paying attention to the instructor, I was texting a girl I had just met while the instructor was lecturing.That conversation made me miss out on the material that was going to be tested on. I ended up failing the test because I didnt know what it was about. Not only does technology distract students, Ive overly witnessed a lot of my classmates fail the entire course because they got caught cheating on a test using their cell phones. As Bugeja said, Professors and librarians encounter improper use of technology by students, and some of those cases go to judiciary officials who enforce the student co de. Before taking any test my instructor would always tell everybody to turn off the phones.I guess my friend didnt have enough clock time to study for the final so he wrote a lot of the information given in class over the test in his phone. He forgot to put the phone on silent so when he received a text message it made a noise and the instructor heard. His phone got confiscated at one time and the instructor saw all the notes that he had wrote down. Not only did he fail the final for cheating he also failed the entire course. Now days if a student doesnt use technology in class or isnt involved in any social network sites, he or she may feel left out.As Michael Tracey said One student chirped Ask them how many use Facebook. I did. Every hand in the room went up. She then said Ask them how many used it today. I did. Every hand in the room went up. I was amazed. Searching for somebody on facebook is a lot easier now days then trying to look them up in a phone book. Everybody ha s a facebook so its pretty indulgent to find an old classmate. One time during lunch some friends and I were bringing up memories from high school and started wondering what happened to a particular person.I pertinacious to search for her on facebook and in less than 5 minutes I found her. Technology is very distracting but at the same time its also very helpful. Overall technology is a great tool for us to learn and gather information. Books teach you all there is to know about everything but lets say you have a specific question its a lot more convenient to go online and use a search engine such(prenominal) as Google to answer the question rather than reading an entire book. But when you put technology in a classroom it becomes more distracting than helpful.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Marketing Strategies of Catering Firms Essay
Basically, the Descriptive mode of research ordain be utilized in the knowledge since it is designed for the investigation or to gather breeding about present existing conditions. 1This will be done by gathering the descriptive entropy through the use of researcher-made questionnaires.Manuel and Medel(1990) defined Descriptive explore as a research that mentions what is. It involves the description, recording analysis, and interpretation of the present nature, composition or how a person, group or thing behaves or functions in the present. It a lot involves some type of comparison or contrast.2According to Polit and Hungler(1999), Descriptive Research describes what exists and may help to uncover new facts and meaning. The purpose of Descriptive Research is to discover, describe and document. Aspects of a situation as it naturally occurs.3In other words, Dsescriptive Reserch design is a valid method for researching specific subjects and as a precursor to more than quantitati ve studies. Whilst there argon some valid concerns about the statistical validity, as long as the limitations are understood by the researcher, this type of study is an invaluable scientific tool.4Its common means of obtaining information include the use of the questionnaire, personal interviews with the aid of study or interview schedule, and observation, either participatory or not. Descriptive Research includes studies that gives meaning to the quality and standing of facts that are going on. For instance, the information about a group of person, a figure of objects, a nonplus of conditions, a break up of events, a system of thought or any other kind of phenomenon or experience which one may wish to study.5This method will be appropriate and used in the study because it is concerned with the conditions that exist and help to answer the questions involving the Marketing Strategies of Catering Firms in selected towns in Rizal. background knowledge OF THE STUDYThis study will be conducted in selected towns in Rizal.Rizal is a province located in the CALABARZON, just 16 kilometers east of Manila. The province was named by and by the countrys national hero,Jos Rizal. Rizal Governor Dr. Casimiro Ynares III on June 17, 2008 announced the transfer of the Capitol from Pasig. Its P 270-million capitol building, constructed in Antipolo by Ortigas & Co., owner thereof, was completed by declination of that year. Built on 5-hectare lot at the Ynares Center, it employs 2,008 employees. The New Capitol was successfully inaugurated on March 4, 2009, bringing back the Capitol Building inside the provincial territory, from which it was absent for 33 years (when Pasig was incorporated into tubing Manila).Rizal is bordered by Metro Manila to the west, the province of Bulacan to the north, Quezon to the east and Laguna province to the south. The province also lies on the blue shores of Laguna de Bay, the largest lake in the country.Rizal is a mountainous province perched on the western slopes of the southern portion of the Sierra Madre mountain range. Antipolo boasts of a wonderful view of Metro Manila and it is where Hinulugang Taktak, a waterfall popular with tourists, can be found. The Rizal Province will be accessed by the future C-6 Road connecting the provinces of Bulacan and Cavite and cities of Taguig (beside Laguna de bay), Paraaque and Muntinlupa which are located within Metro Manila. 6The selected towns to be involved in the study are Tanay, Taytay, Angono, Binangonan, and Cainta.Tanay is a first sieve municipality in the province of Rizal, Philippines. It is located 57 kilometers (35 mi) east of Manila, although a typical commute between Manila and Tanay will take between one to three hours depending upon traffic conditions. It contains portions of the Sierra Madre Mountains and is bordered by Antipolo City in the northwest, Baras, Morong and Teresa in the west, General Nakar (Quezon Province) in the east, and Pililla, Santa Maria (Lagu na province) as well as the lake Laguna de Bay in the south.According to the latest census, it has a population of 94,460 people in 15,720 households. The majority of the population consists of Tagalogs who live near Laguna de Bay, though there are also a significant percentage of mountain dwelling people living in the northern portions of the municipality. The towns major trades consist of seeking, agriculture and regional commerce. Tanay is also believed to be the provenance of the Sambal language. 7*Continuation of Setting of the register*The City of Taytay is a first class, densely populated municipality in the province of Rizal, Philippines. It is currently the third most populous municipality in the country. Conurbated with Metro Manila, it is bounded by Cainta on the north, Pasig City and Taguig City on the west, Antipolo City in the East and Angono on the South. It is the Woodworks and Garments Capital of the Philippines.8Angono is a first class urban municipality in the province of Rizal, Philippines. It is known as Arts Capital of the Philippines, and located 30 kilometers (19 mi) east of Manila. According to the latest census of August 1, 2007, it has a population of 97,209 inhabitants (or 4.26% of Rizal provinces total population of 2,284,046) in 15,740 households. First created as a pueblo in 1766, Angono was a barrio of its neighboring town Taytay and Binangonan before beingness legally proclaimed an independent municipality in 1935 by then President Manuel L. Quezon. It is home to the Angono Petroglyphs, the oldest known work of art in the Philippines. 9The Municipality of Binangonan is a first class urban municipality in the province of Rizal, Philippines. According to the 2010 census, it has a population of 249,872 inhabitants in 38,488 households in census. It has a land area of 64.38 km.A thriving fish port and fishing industry is found in Binangonan, having a long coast line facing the Laguna de Bay, including the western part of Talim Island. The plant of Rizal cementum and Grandspan are in Binangonan as well. Their main livelihood are fishing and farming. With the continuous expansion of Metro Manila, the municipality is now part of Manilas urban sprawl which reaches Cardona in its eastern-most part.10The Municipality of Cainta (Filipino Bayan ng Cainta) is a first-class urban municipality in the province of Rizal, Philippines. It is one of the oldest (originally founded on August 15, 1571), and is the town with the second smallest land area of 26.81 public square kilometers (10.35 sq. mi) next to Angono with 26.22 square kilometers (10.12 sq. mi).Cainta serves as the secondary gateway to the rest of Rizal province from Metro Manila. Cainta became one of the most urbanized towns due to its proximity to Manila.11Subject Of The StudyThe subject of the study will be twenty five(25) owners or caterers in selected towns in Rizal. The selected towns to be involved in the study are Tanay, Taytay, Angono, Binangonan a nd Cainta. The researchers will plow the questionnaire checklist to the five(5) catering firms in each selected towns.Sources of DataIn this study, the researchers will use a questionnaire checklist as the main tool in gathering the needed data or information on the marketing strategies of catering firms in selected towns in Rizal. The researchers adapted the questionnaire of Caisip et al, with some modifications to suit the type of respondents. The questionnaire checklist is divided into three parts cut off 1 pertains to the personal profile of the respondents which includes the age, job position, sex, civil status, educational attainment, monthly salary, type of catering, ownership, accreditation, affiliation and location.Part 2 consists of the profile of catering firms that perceived by the respondents which includes the physical facilities, services offered, capacity, number of staff, income per year, price per pax, target market and amenities.Part 3 contains the different m arketing strategies used by the caterers to attract customers.These will be answered by the respondents by putting a checkmark on the corresponding space by using the following five-point scales SCALE VERBAL INTERPRETATIONS5 Very Much(VM) Always(A)4 Much(M) Frequently(F)3 Moderate(MO) Occasionally(O)2 Little(L) Rarely(R)1 Very Little(VL) Never(N)This scale will be used to know the effectiveness of the marketing strategies that the catering firms applied.Procedure Of The StudyThe researchers underwent supply which includes the formulation of the problem, they decided to go on the title Marketing Strategies of Catering Firms in Selected Towns in Rizal.After the research instructors approval of the title, the researchers gathered related writings and studies to complete the Chapter 1 and 2.In Chapter 1, the researchers collected the needed information involving the Introduction, Background of the Study, Theoretical Framework, Conceptual Framework, Statements of the Problem, Hypothesi s, Scope and Limitation of the Study, and Definition of Terms. The Statements of the Problem will be pattern to the Study of Caisip, Catherine C. et al.While in the Chapter 2, the researchers did the same thing in gathering the data needed, which includes the Research Method, Sources of Data, Setting of the Study, Subject of the Study, Procedure of the Study, and Statistical Treatment.Upon the design of the 2 chapters, the research instructors will schedule the researches for the colloquium. So, the constructive criticisms will be made by the panelists for the improvement of the study.Statistical TreatmentTo analyze the data gathered, the indicated statistical treatment below will be used in the studyProblem number 1 Frequency and Percentage Distribution will be used to determine the profile of the respondents in terms of age, job, sex, civil status, educational attainment, monthly salary, type of catering, ownership, accreditation and affiliation, and location.Problem number 2 Wei ghted mean will be used to determine the marketing strategies of catering firms in selected towns in Rizal in terms of physical facilities. Frequency and Percentage Distribution will be used to determine the marketing strategies of catering firms in selected towns in Rizal in terms of services offered, capacity, number of staff, income per year, price per pax, target market and amenities.Problem number 3 F-Test(One Way ANOVA) will be utilized to determine if there is any significant difference on the marketing strategies of catering firms in selected towns in Rizal with respect to the different aspects in terms of physical facilities, service offered, capacity, number of staff, income per year, price per pax, target market and amenities.End Notes1http//, July 10, 2012 2Rupinta, Sheila Marie G. et. al Status of Tourisim Components in the diverse Hospitality Industries in Selected Towns in the Province of Rizal. 3http//www.reserachproposa 4http//, August 5, 2010 5http//, July 10,2011 6http//, August 15,20127http// , April 4 2010 8 http//,_Rizal, August 24,2010 9 http//,_Rizal, July 22, 2012 10 http//,_Rizal, July 7,2012 11
Friday, May 24, 2019
Cinema Rant Essay
Cinemas should be a fun, easy day out, right? Wrong. Im accepted for some people, if their idea of fun is uncomfortable seats, over priced food, drinks and tickets and half an hour worth of adverts, then yes, movie theatres are a very(prenominal) make merryable day out.So I get to the cinema and go to buy tickets, I and many others were shocked to find how much ticket prices had increased. For a family of four to go to the Vue cinema it would cost 29.40, almost 30 for a film that you could buy on dvd for less than 10 and espouse in the comfort of your own main office with as many people as you like.Added to the ridiculous price of tickets, theres also the outrages price of food and drinks. Yes, i know that these are delightful buckets of freshly popped corn with such beautiful aromas and tastes that make your nostrils and taste buds dance with delight and Oh wait its the same (if not worse) than the popcorn you get in any average supermarket, the besides difference is that in the cinema, it tin cost up to 4 for a small bucket where as in supermarkets a packet of Butterkist popcorn can cost as little as 1 The cinemas do make most of there money from food and drink which is absurd considering we come to cinemas to watch films, not to eat stale, salty snacks or overpriced, melted chocolate.Another point is that once you get into the cinema, you are greeted with the sight of scratchy, small seats that seem to be teasing you, saying oh arent you happy you decided to get these seats instead of paying an extra fiver for the big, comfortable, leather vip seats enjoy the movie, if you can concentrate that is whilst you have a constant itch on your back. In addition to the miniature seats, there are also the very limited arm rests and whilst you were taking your time getting into your seat and getting settled, the two people either side of you have decided to take returns of you not being there and taken up both arm rests- leaving you even more cramped then you were before. You would think by the union of money they must get from food and drink, then can use some of it to make it a more comfortable and enjoyable experience for everyone.So then after half an hour of awkward shuffling in your seat trying to get comfortable the film finally starts. Yes thats right half(prenominal) AN HOUR of adverts So after the tedious adverts weve all seen a million times before we get down to watching a very sightly film that we feel like weve seen before. Now dont you think that whole experience would have been a lot more pleasant in your own home?So please cinema owners, take note of this rant and use some of that money your getting from your overpriced food, drinks and tickets and dont waste it on your flash cars or big houses, spend it wisely on making our cinema experience a lot more enjoyable and then maybe we would come back again and then you can get your flash cars and big houses.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Literature Review and Conceptyal Framework
Running head LITERATURE REVIEW 1 Literature Review and Conceptual Framework Juvenile sport Programs/IPS Julie I Carter Capella University PSF8374-Currenr Research on Violent Behavior Dr.Rob Hanser LITERATURE REVIEW 2 Literature Review and Conceptual Framework History The invoice of diverting arrested news from form-only(prenominal) processing began with the birth of the teenage begs. Conceived in the late 19th century, teenaged justice cope throughd for a rehabilitation-based response to juveniles illegal behavior.Punitive sanctions being certain by youth in felonious courts were being set aside in the juvenile courts. Thus, in its infancy, juvenile justice could be construed as a digression computer programme. Considered to be in the best interest of the juvenile and society, juvenile justice diverted youth from criminal proceedings by providing dispositions that were much(prenominal) attuned to the potential to change the young offenders behavior, and lives throug h clinical services, special rehabilitation programs, and tight educational guidance. (Models, 2010) First adopted by the crowing criminal justice system, was the idea of pleasure.This idea became the topic of discussion within the juvenile justice system in the 1960s. The Presidents Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration of judge recommended exploring alternatives for addressing the needs of troubled juveniles outside of the court system in 1967. In 76, the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency bar Special Emphasis Branch supplied 10 million dollars in funding specifically for the development of diversion programs. These efforts were strictly driven by the belief that these types of programs would matter many enefits, such as allowing juveniles the option to choose an alternative to court, providing more treatment at the community level, increasing family participation, and most important, reducing the stigma associated with the formal juvenile justice system. (Models, 2010) As diversion has been practiced and even discussed for nearly four decades, some would contend that there is little consistency in the legal injury of what actually constitutes a diversion process or program, they do however agree on the common goal among these programs which is to minimize the juveniles involvement in the juvenile justice system.LITERATURE REVIEW 3 Theoretical Concepts As measured by program evaluations and follow-up studies, the effectiveness of diversion programs has varied greatly from one program to the next. The successful programs, such as the Intensive Prevention Services (IPS) initiative in Philadelphia, provide very direct services that include only if be not limited to parenting education, intensive family counseling, and behavioral contracting.One of the main concepts that gave birth to the development of this program was the labeling perspective. This theory or perspective, if you will, argues that juveniles who commit minor offences become habitual offenders callable to being singled out for negative recognition. This has been noted as creating and reinforcing the juveniles, as well as societys view, that they are criminals. divergence programming thusly is designed to assist in avoiding these negative labels that accompany formal case processing. Roberts, 2004) In 1979, Paternoster, et al. explored the extent to which juveniles discriminate between formal court processing that results in incarceration and informal diversion processing with reference to perceptions of accrued stigma and/or liabilities. The perception of the juveniles was measured in terms of school performance maternal relationships, relationships with peers desired employment, and future involvement with the law. (Blomberg, n. d. The findings indicated only in the peer relationships area was there a notable difference between the perceptions of diverted and incarcerated juveniles. When control was do for the effects of prior social liabi lities, such as social class or race, the results remained constant. Therefore one could conclude that to the extent perceptions of stigma have implications for consequent behavior, it makes little difference whether or not juveniles receive diversion or formally travel tod jail time.In simple terms, the type of treatment would appear to not be significant in shaping self-perceptions. (Blomberg, n. d. ) LITERATURE REVIEW 4 Supporters of diversion continue to argue that programs are slight stigmatizing than formal court involvement, provide juveniles with services that they would not have otherwise received, and result in reductions in the rate of recidivism.In contrast, opponents argue that diversion programs have extended social control to juveniles who would ordinarily be released back to the community, may actually increase recidivism, do not prevent stigmatation, and can lead to the disproportionate representation of minorities. As Akers (1994) explains, the labeling theory pushes front the thesis that persons who are labeled and/or dramatically stigmatized as deviant, are more than likely to take on a deviant self-identity and become more, kind of than less deviant than if they had not been so labeled.Theoretically, a label of deviant, juvenile offender or delinquent can affect the way that a juvenile comes to define him/herself which influences future criminal behaviors, and dictates the social roles the juvenile is allowed to assume. (Dick, Pence, Jones & Geertsen, 2004) With that noted, some research has also suggested that diversion actually increases recidivism, however early studies found little or no difference in the recidivism rates between diverted and non-diverted youth.Yet still others have found that, regardless of the setting, interventions can as well increase perceived labeling and self-reported delinquency among youth. (Elliott, Dunford & Knowles, 1978) What was found to be consistent with the last group of finding was the work don e latter by Lemet (1981) that suggest that these treatment interventions can impose stigma on juveniles which leads to secondary deviance. This study would be responsible for raising the possibility that diversion programs may widen the net of the state system by taking in juveniles who otherwise may have not come into contact with the system.What is important to point out here is that many of these studies were flawed collectable to the difficulties researchers encountered when constructing comparison groups for the purpose of evaluation. LITERATURE REVIEW 5 Contemporary Research There have been so many different policies called diversion that the term has come to cover polices as diverse as doing nothing to programs indistinguishable from the existing practices of juvenile justice.While these policies have produced better procedural justice for juveniles, reduced the detained and institutionalized universe of discourse of juveniles placing them under the jurisdiction of state a nd/or local family service agencies, these polices have not resulted in the intended changes in the behaviors of the diverted youth. (Akers & Sellers, 2009) Recent studies on diversion programs have produced more positive results. In fact, in a study of the Detention Diversion Advocacy Project it was found that juveniles that were diverted to diversion programs were less likely than their counterparts to be referred to out-of-home placement. Sheldon, 1999) In Michigan an evaluation of their state diversion project yielded that juveniles that were randomly assigned to one of the several diversion program dodge groups were significantly less likely to have any court petitions filed against them during the two years following release from the program compared to the control group. The results shown here cannot help but suggest that the active hands on intervention provided by diversion programming works better that the normal process of court processing juvenile offenders. The catch, i t works best if they have been thoroughly separated from the system. Davidson, Redner, Blakely, Mitchell & Emshoff, 1987) There is a wealth of evaluations of pretrial conference diversionary programs, and more comprehensive literature about the pretrial diversion work is dated. One of the critical challenges noted for the criminal justice field is developing and cataloging an appropriate research design for diversion programs. Researchers in the field need to actively pursue this challenge in order to determine the scope, as well as the worth of diversion programming in the criminal justice community. (Bellassai, Galloway.Hubbard, Oeller & Sayler, 2006) LITERATURE REVIEW 6 In Philadelphia, there are several emerging practices in the diversion program initiative. First they have utilize written policies and procedures for diversion programs that are backed by a formal mission statement. This is deemed as critical as a clearly defined and articulate mission statement, goals, and objectives are the cornerstone of effective programs.In a survey conducted by the National Association of Pretrial Services Agencies, nearly 90% of all respondents in their study had written policies and procedures in place. (Bellassai et al. , 2006) Nationwide, pretrial diversion concepts have found increased legitimacy. Nearly all states now have pretrial statues that have every been enacted or updated since 2000, and are as diverse as diversion programs themselves. Diversion program today tend to feature a wider array of programs that are more diverse than their predecessors in practice, and administrative location.However, these programs are still united by the ultimate goal of offering viable alternatives to juveniles whose criminal behaviors are addressed much more effectively outside the realm of traditional case processing. (Bellassai, 2006) Recommendations The biggest challenge to pretrial diversion programs and criminal justice planners is the lack of the strong research that is demand in the field.One accomplishment of such a broad-based study would be the examination of the nature of the relationship with the theory of labeling and the potential synergy within the current problem-solving court model. The benefit here would come as such a study would be enumerable and provide an evidenced-based foundation for communities to make sound decisions about diversion programming. (Bellassai. 2006) LITERATURE REVIEW 7 References Akers, R.L. & Sellers, C. S. (2009) Criminological Theories. New York, NY Oxford University Press Bellassai, J. , Galloway, K. , Hubbard, A. , Oeller, C. & Sayler, J. (2006) Promising practices in pretrial diversion. Retrieved November 10, 2012 from http//www. ojp. usdoj. gov/BJA/about/index. html Blomberg, T. G. (n. d. ) Widening the net An anomaly in the evaluation of diversion programs. Retrieved November, 9, 2012 from http//www. criminology. fsu. edu/crimtheory/blomberg/netwidening. html Davidson, W. S. , Redner, R. , Blakely , C. H. Mitchell, C. M. & Emshoff, J. G. (1987) Diversion of juvenile Offenders An experimental comparison. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 55(1) 68-75 Dick, A. J. , Pence, D. J. , Jones, R. M. & Geertsen, H. R. (2004) The need for theory in assessing peer courts. American Scientist 471448-61 Elliot, D. S. , Dunford, F. W. & Knowles, B. A. (1978) A Study of Alternative Processing Practices An Overview of Initial Study Findings. Boulder, CO B. R. Institute Models for Change Systems Reform in Juvenile Justice, July 2010.Retrieved from http//www. modelsforchange. net Paternoster, R. , Waldo, G. , Chiricos, T. & Anderson, L. (1979) The Stigma of Diversion Labeling in the Juvenile Justice System. Beverly Hills. CA Sage Publications Roberts, A. R. (2004) Emergence and proliferation of juvenile diversion programs. New York, NY Oxford University Press Sheldon, R. G. (1999) Detention Diversion Advocacy An Evaluation. Juvenile Justice Bulletin. Washington, D. C. U. S. Departmen t of Justice, Office of Juvenile and Delinquency Prevention.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Claudius has been presented in the theatre as a worthy King Essay
Claudius has been presented in the theatre as a worthy King and Polonius as an amiable and sensible father. What is your response to the ways in which Shakespeare presents sensation of these characters?It is onerous to judge the character of Polonius in Shakespeares village, due to the fact Shakespeare presents many of the events not only by Hamlets eyes, but the eyes of Polonius children and the King, and through these different people he is presented in different ways. However, there is a great deal more to this multi-faceted character in the play, as his presence and actions in the play is of great importance, before and after his death.Polonius is presented in different ways in various stage productions usually, he is presented as a wise man, and one with great influence upon his son and daughter, Laertes and Ophelia, and of a man highly respected by King Claudius, Queen Gertrude and the people of Denmark. Despite this, he fire start out a rather comic character, if the com pany wishes Hamlet to be presented more positively. As Polonius is presented through different productions in different ways, it is difficult to evaluate his on-key nature.As the play is largely presented through Hamlets eyes, it is from him we draw many of our opinions. It is eventually Hamlet that kills Polonius, stabbing him through the arras, and Hamlet who sends him off with such(prenominal) harsh words as a foolish, prating knave it can be said that he encompasses aspects of this statement, as we see in different separate of the play. However, to be deeply cynical of Polonius is somewhat hard to do. Polonius, in the eyes of Claudius, the Queen, the words and actions of Laertes, Ophelia and the Danish people, and the obediency of Reynaldo give us a more reasoned insight into Polonius.Polonius can be seen as foolish mainly when talking to his servant, Reynaldo, wherein he directs Reynaldo as to how to spy on Laertes. During his speech, Polonius gets wrapped up in his own words, and seems to lose the points he is trying to get acrossAnd then, sir, does a this he does what was Iabout to say? By the mass I was about to saysomething. Where did I move over?Shakespeare also transfers from blank verse into prose, accentuating Polonius loss of grip.However, this may actually be cleverly checking if Reynaldo is listening the fact he quotes him directly endure At closes in the consequence, at friend or so, / and, gentlemen suggests many positive factors. For one, it is a reflection on Polonius authority and importance that Reynaldo remains attentive and quotes him back perfectly. Also, if this is a trick, Polonius may feel the matter is so important to his sons welfare that he needs to test Reynaldo to see if he truly is listening so that the surveillance can be perfectly executed.Polonius may be seen to lose his grip in his bouts of prating to the King and Queen in parts of the play too. His speech to Claudius and Gertrude concerning Hamlets madness is a prime example of Polonius prattling, as we see in his long-winded build up to his conclusion, that Hamlet is madTherefore, since brevity is the soul of wit,And tediousness the limbs and outward flourishes,I will be brief. Your noble son is mad..
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Frederick Douglass and Richard Wright Essay
There are many similarities and differences between the two mental seeds, some of these are deep within, some stand out. The main focus is not only to understand the differences and similarities of the two, but also the qualities and characteristics of these writers consist of. Each author displays qualities that illustrate their identity. It is of import that we, as usherers, understand the authors inspiring and intellectual words that portray who they are on the outside and the inside. I believe the authors show analogy and difference to each some other in many ways. Family, desire to take aim, and the way they portray people, are some of these ways.Both Douglass and Wright have the uncontrollable urge to learn with their experiences, it make it difficult for them to succeed. There are many examples of this struggle. One example would be when Mrs. old had to stop training little Frederick how to immortalise and write. As he reflects, The most interesting feature of my lif e here was learning to read and write, under somewhat label disadvantages (Douglass 458). This shows how Frederick really loved reading he had a huge lovemaking for it. When Mrs. Auld had to refrain from teaching Frederick, it put matters into his own hands. He struggles everyday on the nose to get reading and writing lessons. He finally has to pay a tuition fee to the young white children in his neighborhood for a lesson. This event made times tough for Frederick. Giving up belongings is the only thing he could do to cure his urge. It is sad because the reason Mrs. Auld had to refrain from teaching Richard was because of her husband.He didnt approve of slaves to learn. bondage in general plays an important role in Fredericks life bingle reason is because it was against the law for slaves to read. This made it real hard for Frederick to learn how to read and write, he would be forced to receive his education secretively. If Fredericks learning were to ever be discovered by the public, punishment would take place and peradventure result in death. Although reading wasnt against the law for Richard, he still had to give away money and steal food to succeed alike Frederick. They both had that powerful urge and they would do whatever it took to fulfill their passions. Both Frederick and Richard had to live on their own moral principles for them to succeed in life because they basically just had themselves to engage in reading and writing they were forced to learn everything on their own.Douglass and Wrights family had a huge impact on them because they held them back from learning, tearing obscure their sense of identity. Mrs. Auld was an apt woman, and the advice of her husband and her own experiences soon demonstrated to her entire satisfactory that education and slavery are incompatible with each other (Douglass 461).This made it hard for Frederick because he had no one to go to for learning. It is important to remember that for Frederick learning was n ot just a privilege, it was a passion. A passion is a powerful emotion, such as love, joy, hatred or anger. Taking away reading and writing from Frederick and Richard is like taking away food from sharp-set children. Fredericks family has an enormous impact on him because they steal this passion away from Frederick. Although Mrs. Auld stopped teaching Frederick, he still stated that she was caring, kind, and warm-hearted person. It took courage for her to teach him, but it also took courage for Frederick to still strive for his goals even if it was against the law. Unlike Frederick, Richard didnt have a person like Mrs. Auld to teach him to read and write all he has is himself. On a positive note, Richard did eventually get to attend school, which didnt come till later on in Fredericks behalf. Richards grandmother hindered his ability to learn because she thought that reading novels was a sin and that the only reading he should have been doing was in the bible.As crazy as this may be, it was true that Richards grandmother thought this way. Like Frederick, Richards motivation to fulfill his passion was being chopped into pieces, like your favorite piece of cake on a Sunday morning at church. Richards life in the city up north made it very difficult for him to afford anything. Without a family, Richard had to jump from job to job and steal from local places, such as the movie theatre, just to make a few bucks. It is hard to believe that somebody who stole food, was dirt poor, and could barely receive a healthy education would ever become such a great writer. Langston Hughes once said Hold fast to your dreams I believe Frederick and Richard both held fast to their dreams. These examples help to reflect on how both Frederick and Richards family held them both back from reading, tearing apart who they are at the same time. Forcing them to be someone they are not.The portrayal of people and events in both books is colored by the authors feelings. My life as a Negro in America had led me to feel that the problem of human unity was more important than bread, more important than physical biography itself for I felt that without a common bond uniting men there could be no living worthy of being called human (Wright 260). These deep, vast, and profound words show how Richard Wright felt about racism and the people involved in it. He often wondered wherefore people are who they are. This led him into states of confusion and mixed feelings about white people, and even black people. An example would be when Douglass states the differences of Mrs. Auld and him, he being a slave, her being a slave owner, really displayed how he felt about the incompatibility with education and slavery. As he reflects, My feelings were not the result of any marked cruelty in the treatment I received they sprung from the consideration of my being a slave at all.It was slavery-not the mere incidents-that I hated (Douglass 463).He obviously wasnt fond of the belief it sh owed how he colored her with his feelings and thoughts. Frederick also felt that Mrs. Auld was wonderful, but controlled by society. Society said that slaves couldnt get an education sadly, Mrs. Auld had to accept and tolerate the misunderstood beliefs society had. Another example of Richards portrayal of people which is colored by his feelings is when Richard portrays the characters Olin and Pease not just as cruel people, but as characters in a drama. This exhibits Richards deep feelings and thoughts of racist people. Both Richard and Frederick had an atypical outlook on the world they colored people and events other than than most others would color.I believe the authors show similarity and differences in one another in many ways. As I stated before triple of these ways are Family, desire for learning, and the way they portray people. Each author contains certain qualities which only few people have. Their views, feelings, and thoughts are comparable and contrastable, not one o r the other. Overall these writers are wonderful and inspiring, they learned by experience and held fast to their dreams.
Monday, May 20, 2019
ï»Â¿Shaping, Chaining, and Reinforcement Schedules in Prison Essay
organization, Chaining, and backup Schedules in Prison A Review Shaping, chaining and backing schedules argon takeing theories utilise in operant conditioning to change individual behaviors. Shaping involves program line new behaviors in smells. An individual shapes their behaviors when they atomic number 18 remunerateed for completionly or perfectly mastering a step in the behaviors modification. Chaining is the links that are made from one step to another in the behavior modification. Reinforcement schedules are the rewards and punishments given when an individual masters or ref personas to master a step in the defining of a behavior.Operant conditioning incorporates the use of shaping, chaining and reinforcing behaviors in order to create a desirable end point in the behaviors of an individual. Shaping, chaining and backup schedules are utilized in schools, homes, and prison houses across the world. In the prison purlieu they are used to change inmates behaviors, an d help inmates get ready to reenter society as fecund members. Prisons utilize the various steps of operant conditioning to aide in changing all sorts of behaviors including yellow bile influencement. Shaping and ChainingShaping and chaining behavior is a key part of the learning theory known as operant conditioning. Operant conditioning Shaping takes place when an individual is rewarded for a acceptable response to a stimulus. In an resentment circumspection program an individual would be rewarded for the reaction to enkindle and the ability to manage evoke. An individual would be rewarded for managing anger when presented with stimuli that triggers anger and punished when failing to manage anger when presented with stimuli that trigger anger. At first then inmate might be reward for not becoming physically belligerent when presented with the stimuli that triggers anger.Over time the inmate would not be rewarded unless worry is displayed without verbal or physical aggressi on. The reward for the anger management displayed by inmates would decrease as the management techniques improve. Chaining would occur when the inmate is able to chance on from one step to another in their ability to manage their anger.Reinforcement SchedulesReinforcement schedules are the rewards and punishments utilized in conjunction with shaping and chaining in operant conditioning of behaviors.Rewards are utilized to encourage the chastise responses to stimuli while punishments are utilized to consequence or discourage any responses that are not close to the desired response to a stimulus. As an individual chains the responses and shapes anger management behaviors they are rewarded and learn to utilize anger management in place of old behaviors. The use of rewards is phased out when an individual utilizes the anger management responses instead of the originally responses to stimuli that create anger. Rewards and sanctions are key to shaping any behavior (Carey & Carter, 2009) . literature ReviewResearch shows that the utilization of official reinforcement in inmates produces lordly results in shaping behaviors (Thomas, 2001). check to Fishbein, Sheppard, Hyde, Hubal, Newlin, Serin, Chrousos, & Alesci Executive cognitive functioning and emotional regulation may play a key case in treatment responsively (2009 p.419). Burdon, St. De Lore & Prendergast report that behaviorally based protocol that involves the systematic application of positive reinforcement following demonstration of a desired behavior in drug treatment programs hire proved to promote the shaping of inmate behaviors (2012). Although historically sanctions have been used as the primary method to serve to or control offenders behavior, research indicates that positive reinforcement should be applied more frequently than shun reinforcement when trying to change behavior (Carey & Carter, 2009 p.9) Most experts in psychology and criminal justice fit out anger is problematic when it is to o frequent, too intense, too prolonged, or managed ineffectively (Smith, Smith & Beckner, 1994). Smith, Smith & Beckner dissertate a research study in which anger management workshops were utilized in a womens correctional facility (1994).In this study women were taught anger management skills over the duration of three sessions (1994). The inmates were taught anger management skills and reported feeling better about themselves and their ability to cope with stimuli that triggers anger (1994). Reinforcement schedules are shown to be more effective in women inmates (1994). Shaping of inmate behaviors in drug treatment programs with the use of reinforcement schedules have been researched and findings have been promising (Burdon, St. De Lore & Prendergast, 2012). The shaping of anger management behaviors in inmates is affirmable with positivereinforcement schedules. Inmates do well when positive reinforcements for behaviors are given (Seirn & Hanby, 2009). As Burdon, St. De Lore & Pr endergast explains, inmates are constantly being given punishments and acknowledged for the negative behaviors displayed (2009). When punishments are strip a expression replace with positive reinforcement there is a significant change in the behaviors established by inmates (Smith & Schweitzer, 2012). Individuals receiving positive attention of behaviors exhibit more positive behaviors to get the attention desired.The same can be said in the prison setting. Individuals need to be taught new ways to deal with anger, and the prison environment offers a unique environment to reshape the very behaviors and beliefs that contributed to an individual being placed in there. Inmates imprisoned for acts of violence due to the inadequacy of anger management skills will only reenter the prison system for the same acts if not taught a different way to cope with stimuli that triggers anger. Implementing anger management skills to inmates with anger management issues would reduce the likelihood of reentry. Shaping and chaining the way in which inmates respond to anger can result in lifelong effective implementation of anger management skills by inmates. Shaping would occur by first helping inmate identify stimuli that triggers anger. once inmates know what triggers anger, next the teaching of anger management skills can take place. When inmates utilize the anger management skills in place of the natural reaction for situations that trigger anger, rewards would be given. By implementing reinforcements for the utilization of anger management skills inmates learn the acceptable responses to stimuli of anger. The goal would be to effectively shape the anger management skills utilized by inmates without the need for reinforcement. For example, instead of becoming violent, an inmate would walk away.ConclusionThe utilization if positive reinforcement schedules have been proven to be effective in prisons across the United States. Anger management programs have not always proven t o be victoryful within prisons. Shaping and chaining of anger can be make within the prison system through the implementation of anger management workshops and reinforcements schedules. Several studies have shown the successes of positive reinforcement with inmates. Combining anger management shaping with reinforcement schedules could prove toincrease the likelihood of success in anger management programs offered to inmates.ReferencesButdon, W., St. De Lore, J., Prendergast, M. (2012). Developing and implementing a positive behavioral reinforcement intervention in prison-based drug treatment Project BRITE. Journal of Phychoactive Drugs, 7, 40-50 Retrieved from http// Casey, M., & Carter, M. Center for Effective Public Policy. (2009) Shaping offender behavior. Retrieved from http// Fishbein, D., Sheppard, M., Hyde, C., Hubal, R., Newlin, D., Serin, R., Chrousos, G., & Alesci, S. (20 09). Deficits in behavioral inhibition predict treatment engagement in prison inmates. Law and military personnel Behavior, 33(5), 419-35. doihttp// Serin, R., Hanby, L. Correctional Service Canada. (2009). Offender incentive and behavioural management. Retrieved from http// strategies. Smith, P. & Schweitzer, M. (2012). The therapeutic prison. Journal of modern-day Criminal Justice, 28(1), 7-22. doi 10.1177/1043986211432201 Thomas, S. P. (2001). Teaching healthy anger management. Perspectives in Psychiatric Care, 37(2), 41-8. Retrieved from http//
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Human Computer Interaction and User Interface Design Essay
The two interfaces chosen for this project be two book selling sites LinkedIn. com and Orkut. com. The two websites ar accessible networking sites. While Orkut. com brings together friends and is more personal in nature, LinkedIn. com is more professional. Social networking sites being utmost(prenominal)ly popular, I chose to select these interfaces for comparison. LinkedIn has over 40 million professionals using it to Ex channelise development, ideas and opportunities Connect or re-connect with and deterrent informed unaired to their contacts and industry Find inside connections to chance on a in the altogether job or business opportunity Find the people and k at one timeledge required Have a controlled online professional individuation Orkut, on the some otherwise hand, lets you connect with people you al acquirey know in your personal life (friends and family) bit at the like time onlyowing you to advance new friends through friends of friends and communit ies. It totallyows sharing of videos, pictures as well as your passions with friends and communities. 2. Normans principles for favorable design Norman has suggested the following principles to ensure that a website has a good design VisibilityThe designer should ensure that the state of the possible actions faecal matter be easily unsounded by the drug drug user. Conceptual modelAll operations should be consistent in nature and the user should be able to easily understand how the site works and what plectrons are available to the user. MappingsThe user should be able to easily map actions with their results such as between controls and possible actions that can be interpreted on a control or between the system state and visible indicators like change of color or image. Feedback drug users should continuously get feedback on the results of their actions facilitateing them understand whether they contain taken the skillful step or not.3. User Interface overview 3. 1. Li nkedIn LinkedIn requires your name and electronic mail address to open an account site which you need to provide your current employment expand. These two pages are simple, similar to the Google search page look. once the registration is completed, LinkedIn takes you to your LinkedIn page. The homepage is divided into two percentages the crystalise section that consists of main golf associate to search people, jobs, answers and companies with comparatively enceinte bold letters and is separated from the bottom section by a profane line.On the by slumps corner, quick cogitate to the account and its settings, help language and the option to sign out are available. The top section has blue font with a lily- black-and-blue backcloth all through. This section in like manner consists of a search option to search people, job, companies, etcetera using a drop d avow box. The search option automatically changes to reflect the section it is in i. e. it says await People wh en in the Contacts page and Search Groups when in the Groups page. The bottom section has a colourise telescope and is divided into ternion parts.Each section on an individual basis has a white background and the sections are floating in the grey background. The bottom section makes the main work area consisting of the expound regarding the user write, contacts and groups. The left hand side frame provides options personal to the user which embroils viewing various lists such as groups joined, profile, contacts, inbox, and applications that help improve user experience with LinkedIn. These unifys are provided with images as well. These links get ahead provide links to options available such as My Groups, Groups Directory and Create a Group for the Groups menu.The submenus are not visible scarce can be seen on clicking the menu specific or clicking on the + symbol on the right side. The submenus can be collapsed by clicking the symbol that now appears instead of the + sy mbol. The link for the current page is highlighted with a blue background. In situation page, the words Home buzz off a blue background unlike the others with white background. At the end of the menu, in that location is a spill to add new connections. The button is of green color and attracts the worry towards it. Below this section is some other small section that is an assessment of profile completeness along with a photograph and name.The profile completeness is expressed in words as well as a status bar is shown that reflects the actual status. The name draws the attention with its bold font along with the status bar. The right side section consists of several mental facultys the main module being the Build your network in a green colored box that provides different options to find your contacts. The options include searching using web email contacts, address book contacts, or using email addresses. For web email contacts, again several options are provided as radio b uttons.Since each of these options require different inputs, selecting one shows a box with an arrow pointing towards the option selected and the inputs required are within this box. All buttons on the page have a light orange color which changes to blue on moving the common mackerel over it. All links within this module as well have an icon associated with it. In the peak right, there are several modules one below the other beginning with ads by LinkedIn Members. The remaining modules include featured application on LinkedIn, Reading List by Amazon, Events, Answers and Jobs.The inclinements in these modules are in white color on blue background. Text within these modules is in black color whereas links have blue color. Important words like subheadings, Member names, event names, etc. are appropriate make bold to highlight them. The events are represented with the date put in a box with grey background and the month above it in smaller font with orange background. Each module heading also consists of an edit link and an X to remove the module. At the end of these modules is the option to add other applications as required.Here again a plus symbol is used to indicate the adding of a new application. The arrow at the end can be clicked to show a list of applications available to be added but the arrow is too small and can be easily missed. These modules can be customized as required, adding, editing or moving them around to suit an individuals preferences and needs. At the bottom, there is a tip available in a box. More tips can be seen with the help of arrows. Here arrows that are commonly used to move to next or previous tip are used.Clicking on write or Edit My write or + symbol next to indite brings one to the Edit My Profile page. The Profile school text edition in the menu now has a blue background indicating the current page. The pith module that consisted of Build your Network is now replaced with the profile details with a heading Profile in navy blue background and two tabs Edit My Profile and View My Profile. The current tab is in white background whereas the inactive tabs are in grey background with text in blue. The module background is now blue with different subsections in white background.At the top the main details about the user is provided i. e. name, current position and conjunction, location and industry. The last two details are shown in grey color. The links are maintained in blue color, headings and subheadings in bold blue and a + symbol to indicate adding detail in any subsection. An Edit link within square brackets follows all text that can be edited. On the extreme right, a profile completeness status bar is shown but also lists tips on how one could complete the profile along with how much percentage difference it makes to the profile completeness status bar.This module is very helpful, especially for someone new to social networking sites. Clicking on View My Profile tab shows the profile with th e same details except that there are no Edit links or + symbols to add further details. The status bar is not seen in this view. Clicking on Contacts section leads to three tabbed page Connections, Imported Contacts and Network Statistics. The connections are shown listed alphabetically. On the left side, the alphabets are listed and can be clicked to derail to the connections with names starting with that alphabet.Brief details about each connection is provided including email, current position and company and also includes a circle that indicates the number of connections that person has, indicating the network you could be having. The Groups link leads you to the Groups page with quaternion tabs My Groups, Following, Groups Directory and Create a Group. The list of Groups is presented in a clean manner with an icon representing the group, quick links to discussions, news, updates, peniss, settings, etc. At the bottom of the list, there is an option to change the order of the groups and how legion(predicate) groups can be displayed at any one time.The order can be changed by writing the numbers or using arrows. On the right side of the list, two blue-colored boxes provide you knowledge on Groups Directory along with a button to find a group as well as option to create your own group. The buttons change color when a mouse moves over. While there are many more functionalities available, the user interface the Great Compromiser the same 1. Blue color for all links 2. Bold for all headings and subheadings 3. Icons/images to represent major menus or data 4. Tabs for sub menu information 5. Links provided to ease selection 6. grooming to add, remove, edit, or move extra modules around to ease access and utility. 7. Feedback to the user in terms of background color change for links and button color change for buttons 3. 2. Orkut To log into Orkut, one needs to have a Google Account. The page for creating Google Account is simple a form with a blue border r equesting for information like name, email and password with a line marking the end of this subsection. The next subsection begins with a word verification and terms of services provided in a blue scrollable box with grey background.The button for accepting the terms is simple and consists of full text I accept. Create my account. rather than simply say Accept which makes it clear for new-to- net profit users. The login page is simple with two main sections the top section consisting of all the details and the empty bottom section with bluish grey background. The major left part of the top section consists of orkut selling points with magenta color highlighting the main words. The empty white space surrounding the text gives it a simple, non-cluttered and pleasing look.The top menu bar in dark blue color remains accessible across all pages. Below this is a section with various modules in white background floating in a light blue background. On the extreme left is the menu startin g with photo, name, status and other details of the user. Below it is the menu leading to various pages such as profile, scrapbook, etc. Each of these menu items also have an associated icon that is easy to relate to the name of the menu. This is followed by Apps and other menu items. The profile, menus, apps and other menus are separated by a blue line.All text is also in blue. It is noteworthy that all the menu names are in lower caps. Below this module, there is a module to invite friends using their email address or more. All through the page, all links are in blue and when a mouse moves over a link, there is no change in background color or image except an underline below the text. relay station suggestions is another good option since it not only provides you potential friend list, but also shows photos so that one can confirm if he/she is the same person one knows. It also provides quick links to view the profile or add as a friend.An X at the top of the photo can be used to remove it from the list quickly and arrows can be used to navigate through the list. The arrows change to light grey color when one cant go further on either side. Below this is Updates from my friends section that provides a list of updates on the friend profile. On the extreme right is the my friends section with a count of total friends. It lists around 9 friends along with their photos and there is a link to view all friends, manage them, or find more friends. It also allows for searching friends.To abide the space crunch issue, the text box for searching itself has the caption rather than placing it outside. On clicking inside the text box, the caption clears and the user can add their text to search. Once the profile is filled up and many friends added, the home page can seem cluttered with a lot of information. This is followed by advertisement which is followed by my communities. The layout of this is similar to my friends. Clicking the profile link shows the profile deta ils. Three tabs social, professional, and personal are provided to add details about different areas of the user.The social tab is further divided into sections separated by a broad white area which also consists of an edit button. Alternate coloring pattern is used to make it easy to read each line and each detail of the profile. My scrapbook page provides all scraps from friends. By default, one can view 10 scraps on one page but a drop deal box provides other options as well. Navigation links to move to first, last, next and previous pages are also provided as links. Each scrap is in its own blue box with photo of friend provided along with friends name and message.Options to reply and delete the message are also available. Once a conversation has been done through more than one response exchanged, there is a new link View this conversation. Clicking this link grays out the page and opens a new box consisting of the conversation details along with provision to delete. Again, th e background is white with each scrap in a light blue colored box. To close the conversation box, an image with an X is provided as well as a close link. A new scrap can be typed in easily through a text box.Again there is no title or caption for the box but the same is seen as content in grey color within the text box. The scrap can also be written in different languages which can be conveniently chosen from the drop down list. Adding a fraternity and managing it is similar in working to adding and managing friends in Orkut. 4. User survey 4. 1. Task description The users are required to do the following 1. Register themselves 2. Sign In 3. Enter their profile details 4. Search for a friend/professional known to them 5. Add to friend list 6. Search for a community 7. Add themselves to that community8. Sign out 4. 2. Success criteria The user should be able to create a profile, add contact(s) and join a community/group. 4. 3. User Profile User 1 is an active internet user and has p rior online social networking experience. User 2 is new to computers and internet, this being amongst his first experience with social networking. User 3 uses internet mostly for surfing and finding information and has not been a member of any social networking site yet although understands the common functionalities of such websites such as registering, logging in to the site, searching, etc.4. 4. User experience Due to his prior experience using social networking sites, user 1 had no problem registering for either of them, adding contacts, searching and registering for a group. User 1 found both sites every bit easy to register, add contacts and join community however, he was impressed by the ability to add, remove, edit and move modules in LinkedIn and was looking for similar options in Orkut. Also, searching friends in Orkut listed several names and finding the right one was difficult.While user 2 was able to create the profile and add contacts, the user sometimes felt lost in O rkut once the contacts were added and found it difficult to get back to home page. User 2 also found it difficult to easily search the friend and wished there was an easy counseling like LinkedIn. User 3 was also able to register easily, add contacts and join communities/groups. User 3 was not concerned about the difficulties in searching friends or professionals and looked at this as an opportunity to make new friends.5. Suggestions Once a user becomes an active user or has many friends/professional contacts, the information shown on home page can be too much. Suggestion is to show the information partly and provide a link to further information or simply provide links to go to information. By making certain information like school or college details mandatory, orkut can help ease the search process that currently requires searching a friend from a list of hundreds with the same name.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Interperative Biography of Leonardo Da Vinci
E instructive Biography da Vinci public address system Vinci is considered one of the greatest geniuses of all time. He was the epitome of the term metempsychosis Man, which meaner a person with many talents. During the Italian Renaissance Dad Vines accomplish manpowerts endured from many fields much(prenominal) as anatomy, engineering, mathematics, nature ,philosophy, painting, sculpting and architecture. His achievements in these fields stem from an early age, Dad Vinci was an illegitimate child born(p) of Seer Piper, a notary, and Catering, a peasant woman who were unmarried.At the age of 15 Dad Vinci was send to Florence to be an Prentice of an aspiring subterfugeist named Overarching. This is where Dad Vines talent for painting was first seen it is state that Overarching was so impressed with da Vinci addition to Veronicas painting that he break his paint brushes and said I testament never paint again. According to Giorgio Vassar, Leonardo first demonstration of his tal ent in painting was opus he was an apprentice in Veronicas studio.Leonardo helped in painting Veronicas Baptism of Christ he painted the left pass on angel, which made the other figure look His contribution, the left-hand angel, made the other figures look bland and dull. It is said by Vassar that Overarching was so impressed by his apprentices painting that it was said that he took his paint brushes and snapped and said that he will never paint again since Dad Vinci surpassed him.After this stage in Dad Vines life he was accepted into the painters guild of Florence, a guild was a medieval association of craftsmen or merchants, often having sizeable power. After leaving Veronicas studio, Leonardo talent became widely known throughout Florence, however gained a constitution for not completing jobs he was commissioned. A commission that he received while in Florence was The idolization of the Magi in 1481 it was an essential operation for monks of San Donate from a monastery At Scope Leonardo left this bet undone in 1482 when he left for Milan.During his time in Milan he was commissioned another work which was from the Church of Francesco Grandee which asked him to paint The Virgin of the Rocks which was not done until twenty- five years belatedr. It was during this time period that he wrote to Duke Oxfords in which he stated that he was a military inventor and engineer that could make long-lived bridges and safe chariots, at the end of the letter he also stated that he was an architect, statue maker and a painter. An excerpt from Vicars book stated that He also painted in Milan, for the Friars of S.Dominic, at S. mare dell Gracie, a Last Supper, a most beautiful and marvelous thing and to the heads of the Apostles he gave such(prenominal)(prenominal) majesty and beauty, that he left the head of Christ unfinished, not believing that he was able to crap it that divine air which is essential to the image of Christ. This work, remaining thus all but f inished, has ever been held by the Melamine in the greatest veneration, and also by strangers as well for Leonardo imagined and succeeded in expressing that concern which had sized the Apostles in wishing to know who should betray their Master.For which reason in all their faces are seen love, fear, and wrath, or quite an, sorrow, at not being able to bring in the meaning of 550) this showed his artistic views and how he displayed images as an art master. Leonardo Last Supper, painted in Milan, is a brilliant summary of fifteenth-century trends in its organization of lacuna and use of perspective to depict subjects three-dimensionally in a two- dimensional medium. (Spiegel, 2009) Leonardo importance wasnt realized cashbox the high Renaissance where he was presented as a transitional figure in the shift to High Renaissance principles.He carried on the fifteenth- century experimental tradition by instructioning everything and even dissecting human bodies to see more clearly how nature worked. But Leonardo stressed the need to advance beyond such realism and initiated the High Renaissances preoccupation with the exemplificationization of nature, or the attempt to generalize from realistic act to an ideal form. (Spiegel, 2009) Leonardo exhibited a period of the Renaissance where artist act to make a realistic portrayal to an ideal portrayal.A description given by Giorgio Vassar in his biography of Leonardo Dad Vinci named The Genius of Leonardo Dad Vinci shows a firsthand source of how others thought of him In the normal course of events many men and women are born with various remarkable qualities and talents but occasionally, in a way that transcends nature, a single(a) person is marvelously endowed by heaven with beauty, grace, and talent in such abundance that he leaves other men far behind, all his actions seem inspired, and indeed everything he does clearly comes from God rather than from human art. (Vassar, 1 550) shows the respect that Leonardo received from there artist during his lifetime. Leonardo most famous work is the Mona Lisa which was commissioned by Francesco Del Giaconda to make a portrait his wife and after toiling oer it for four years, he left it unfinished. Leonardo had one of the greatest minds of the Italian Renaissance. He tried to understand the inner workings of nature. Majority of his inventions and scientific ideas were ahead of its time. Leonardo was one of the first people to study the f alight of birds and make an invention that modeled after how they glided in the wind.He also made drawings, schematics and designs for tanks, helicopters, and a parachute. Leonardo importance to art was even greater than his importance to science. He had a strong influence on many leading artists, including Raphael and Michelangelo. Leonardo balanced compositions and idealized figures became standard features of later Renaissance art. Painters also tried to imitate Leonardo knowledge of perspective and anatomy, and his accurate observations of nature. What most impresses people today is the wide range of Leonardo talent and achievements.He turned his attention to many subjects and mastered nearly all. His inventiveness, versatility, and wide-ranging intellectual quirkiness have made Leonardo a symbol of he Renaissance spirit. (Bin) Leonardo most important successes were the two techniques that he created which were suffuse and chiaroscuro. They are both painting techniques that deal with using shades of light and dark colors. Kauffman in painting or drawing, the fine shading that produces soft, imperceptible transitions between colors and tones. (Britannica) Chiaroscuro is a technique employed in the visual arts to represent light and shadow as they correct three-dimensional objects. Some evidence exists that ancient Greek and Roman artists used chiaroscuro effects, UT in European painting the technique was first brought to its full potential by Leonardo Dad Vinci in the late 1 5th century in such paintings as his Adoration of the Magi (1481). (Britannica) Other important successes that Dad Vinci made were in engineering advance defenses for Milan.While he was working on the last supper he also made plans for mortars, battering rams, scaling ladders halberds and other defenses. Leonardo had many inventions and designs that were not recognized till his notebook was found and deciphered. Dad Vines notebooks with his diagrams of engineering have drawings of the machines and brief notes that explain them. Dad Vinci was thorough in his anatomical reference diagrams and dissections, dissecting dead bodies were outlawed in Florence so that is why Dad Vinci was only allowed to perform dissections on criminals.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Article Summary Read-Only Participants: a Case for Student Communication in Online Classes
UNV-501 ARTICLE abbreviation Read-only participants a case for student communication in online classes Lavelle Figueroa Grand Canyon University Title UNV-5 Article stocky This is a summary of the bind titled Read-only participants a case for student communication in online classes argues that the appraise of communication in online mental facultys and the purpose of the success a apprentice experiences when they pass an online module.The main purpose of this article is find explanations, to some interests mentioned beforehand, the researchers conducted an eight week analysis of scholars of an online module. This analysis integrated the following strategy to strike online communication and classroom activity amongst scholars cultural diversity, geographical location and maturity two are the most important primary causal dynamics. Furthermore, the substantial data gathered by Nagel et al (2009) in their research describe the potential consequences of success and failures were d ocumented.Therefore, a successful completion of a online module they concluded the following foremost, modules that had discussion forums allows a scholarly proactive interaction with fellow scholars and the professor. Subsequently, this type of module facilitates and /or enriches the online learning environment of the scholars by generating queries and replies (e. g. , in the form of posts, assignments, etc) of high critical thinking skills.Furthermore, the third gear aspect we must consider when improving communication on our online module forums to enhance the online environment is creating vibrancy as intumesce as wholesome interaction. Last but not least important of all, is the appurtenant and wholesome interaction with the instructor that is enhanced within the online environment provided substantial responses to the inquiries formulated by the instructor and fellow scholars with substantive answers. Finally, the lack of communication within the online module experience will result in serious repercussions, toward successful completion of the module.Last but not least important, the researchers also concluded that a scholar does not successfully achieve their goal of completing their module due to the lack of communication amongst both scholars and the instructor greatly impact our overall performance. The aim of this article is the responsibility of proactive communication and plangency within the online module environment like described in the article written by Nagel et al (2009) titled read-only student.This kind of learner decides no proactively contribute to the online modules (e. g. discussion forums, teamwork, individual assignments as well as quizzes). For instance, this type of learner, only borrows the almost the same point of view of their fellow scholars and instructor without quoting their single responses or reactions or restraining their responses. Finally, the causal elements of this unhealthy attitude are procrastination, isolat ion, and/or unfamiliarity with technology (Nagel et al. 2009). in brief this research has concluded that proactive communication is a crucial element to successfully complete an online module. As a result, not participating proactively on the online module makes them read-only scholars. Bibliography Nagel, L. L. , Blignaut, A. S. , & Cronje, J. C. (2009). Read-only participants a case for student communication in online classes. Interactive Learning Environments,17(1), 37-51. doi10. 1080/10494820701501028
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