Term paper on
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Friday, August 21, 2020
10 Types of Hypercorrection
10 Types of Hypercorrection 10 Types of Hypercorrection 10 Types of Hypercorrection By Mark Nichol Good natured essayists and editors now and again mutilate the language they’re attempting to deal with an issue called hypercorrection. Blunders of this class are the outcome both of adherence to a false notion about appropriate structure, a misconception about a state of language, or an endeavor to fit a square figure of speech into a round categorize. Here’s a rundown of a portion of the classifications of hypercorrection: 1. â€Å"A Number Of†Followed by a Singular Verb Once in a while, a shallow comprehension of what establishes appropriate sentence structure drives scholars to make an upsetting subject/action word understanding, for example, â€Å"A number of individuals is supporting reform.†But longstanding figure of speech bests severe accuracy: â€Å"A number of individuals are supporting reform†is right, in light of the fact that the attention is on the individuals, not on the extent of them supporting change. The equivalent practical guideline holds for bunch, lion's share, and comparative terms. 2. As in Place of Like Authors disinclined to like as an option to â€Å"such as†are additionally inclined to supplant like with as in such sentences as â€Å"He charges as a bull.†â€Å"He charges as a bull would do†is right yet unnatural; the shorter structure suggests â€Å"He charges in the limit of a bull,†as opposed to â€Å"He charges in the way of a bull.†What’s not to like about like? 3. Twofold Adverbs Evade the desire to add a - ly completion of an intensifier that doesn’t require it. Level intensifiers do fine and dandy without the addition, thus do certainly, much, sometimes, subsequently, and others. 4. Remote Articles Preceding Foreign Terms At the point when a thing expression is briefly acquired from another dialect, essayists may be enticed to go before it with an article from that language, as in â€Å"At the countess’s wedding, she filled in as la fille d’honneur†(â€Å"maid of honor†). The term alone merits both the accentuation of stress and the maintenance of the different language’s structure: â€Å"At the countess’s wedding, she filled in as the fille d’honneur.†5. I Substituted for the Object Me A few people, when they discover that the item in such developments as â€Å"You and me are the equivalent height†and â€Å"Me and John are the candidates†should peruse â€Å"You and I are the equivalent height†and â€Å"John and I are the candidates,†sum up that me is an unwanted pronoun, in any event, when utilized in a sentence’s subject, yet â€Å"There’s no distinction in tallness among you and me†and â€Å"The applicants are John and me,†not at all like the sentence renditions finishing off with the word I, are superbly right. 6. Latin Plurals Formed Incorrectly The plural types of words got from Latin that end in - us are - utilizes or - I. Here and there, the - utilizes finishing is favored over the other option (for instance, octopuses); in some cases, the opposite is valid (likewise with foci); and now and again just one structure is right (plans). If all else fails, check the word reference. When not in question, twofold check in any case. 7. Relational words Prevented from Ending a Sentence Notwithstanding advices from various sources, remembering a past post for this site, to disregard the pompous restriction against sentence-finishing relational words, a few journalists, so as to hold fast to this deceptive â€Å"rule,†endure in awkwardly trussing sentences up. For instance, â€Å"What did you do that for?†need not be bent into â€Å"For what reason did you do that?†One could undoubtedly compose â€Å"Why did you do that?†yet that sort of cleanup isn't constantly a suitable other option. 8. Unsplit Compound Verbs There is an inquisitive misconstruing about compound action words phrases comprising of an assistant action word (a type of â€Å"to be†) and another action word comparable to the misleading â€Å"rule†about infinitives examined underneath: Some journalists erroneously accept that modifiers ought not be embedded between one action word and another, yet that linguistic structure is ideal. All things considered, they favor the ungainly development â€Å"They unobtrusively were calling her name†to the flawlessly worthy wording â€Å"They were discreetly calling her name.†9. Unsplit Infinitives The industrious conviction that the components of an infinitive to followed by an action word ought not be isolated by a verb modifier can bring about a questionable sentence, for example, â€Å"I was getting ready rapidly to depart,†which could mean â€Å"I was rushing to plan to depart†or I was planning to withdraw hurriedly†which are not something very similar. The previous significance ought to be communicated â€Å"I was rapidly planning to depart†and the last ought to be composed â€Å"I was getting ready to rapidly depart†(truly, it’s worthy to isolate infinitives with an intensifier) or â€Å"I was getting ready to leave quickly.†10. Whom in Place of Who The problematic pronoun whom snares numerous essayists, at the leader of a sentence as well as when opening a subordinate provision, as in the wrong model â€Å"The top vote-getter is Smith, whom Jones knows is a poor choice.†Whom, here, isn't the object of knows; it is the subject of is, and who is the right partner of a connecting action word. Need to improve your English in a short time a day? Get a membership and begin getting our composing tips and activities every day! Continue learning! Peruse the Grammar classification, check our well known posts, or pick a related post below:10 Rules for Writing Numbers and NumeralsTen Yiddish Expressions You Should Know10 Tips About How to Write a Caption
Tuesday, July 14, 2020
Culling, Surrendering, and the Old College Try
Culling, Surrendering, and the Old College Try In the midst of feeling overwhelmed by my own bookshelves, I wanted to take a moment to point you in the direction of a blog post from last April that I just adore: “The Sad, Beautiful Fact That We’re All Going To Miss Almost Everything†by Linda Holmes at NPR’s pop culture and entertainment blog, Monkey See. The post is, in my reading, about how we as consumers learn to cope with the fact that there are so many things out there that we feel like we should be paying attention to. In the past, there used to be “a limited number of reasonably practical choices presented to you. When thinking about books specifically, as Jeff pointed out earlier this week, there used to be gatekeepers in place across the publishing landscape to put restraints on the choices we might make. This was useful but obviously limiting. Today, however, Holmes notes that “everything gets dropped into our laps,†giving us only two responses to the drive to feel well-read: culling or surrendering. Under her definition, culling is a process of choosing for yourself what is and is not worth your time. It’s a process of making value judgements of one thing over the other in an effort to winnow down the potential options to choose from. Surrender is a different process: Surrender, on the other hand, is the realization that you do not have time for everything that would be worth the time you invested in it if you had the time, and that this fact doesnt have to threaten your sense that you are well-read. Surrender is the moment when you say, I bet every single one of those 1,000 books Im supposed to read before I die is very, very good, but I cannot read them all, and they will have to go on the list of things I didnt get to.†It is the recognition that well-read is not a destination; there is nowhere to get to, and if you assume there is somewhere to get to, youd have to live a thousand years to even think about getting there, and by the time you got there, there would be a thousand years to catch up on. Her main argument in the essay was, I think, the idea that our cultural conversation about consumption (of media, defined broadly) is full of people who are more interested in culling than surrendering. By throwing out entire genres, people who cull, in many ways, simplify their choices by arbitrarily eliminating a vast number of the potential choices they might make. Surrendering is harder. It’s a moment when you have to accept that you cant read/see/listen to everything, that there are great things that you will inevitably miss. But it’s also the moment, as Holmes points out, that you realize how many great things exist in the world: Imagine if youd seen everything good, or if you knew about everything good. Imagine if you really got to all the recordings and books and movies youre supposed to see. Imagine you got through everybodys list, until everything you hadnt read didnt really need reading. That would imply that all the cultural value the world has managed to produce since a glob of primordial ooze first picked up a violin is so tiny and insignificant that a single human being can gobble all of it in one lifetime. That would make us failures, I think. I’ve always found this particular essay comforting, as a reminder that no one gets to read everything. That what I can find time to read and write and talk about is enough. That it’s OK to look at my bookshelves and surrender to the fact that I may never read all of the books, and that my bookshelves themselves are a limiting factor of what I may end up being able to read. However, Im still not ready to abandon the idea of culling within reason, and without judgment of others (which may be the same thing as surrendering). I don’t think there’s anything wrong with admitting that a certain genre or style, in general, doesn’t work for your particular tastes. The problem is when that genre gets dismissed before it’s been given a proper chance. In some cases, a proper chance may just mean one chapter of a book or one episode of a television show, but its unfair and lazy to cull an entire section of pop culture without at least giving it the old college try first. Which finally brings me back around to the point of Jeffs post in a new media landscape, it is even easier to find people who can serve as a gatekeeper to a particular genre, suggesting which of the books in that category might be the highest quality and therefore worth trying. If after taking the recommendations of a trusted gatekeeper to heart and trying a few horror novels or biographies or short story collections, you decide those genres dont push your literary buttons, let it go. Surrender to the fact that there might be quality short stories out there, but that the format doesnt work for you. Being well-read isn’t about quantity or even necessarily what you decide to read; it’s about accepting that there are things of quality that you will not be able to consume while still leaving yourself open to pop culture that may be outside of your comfort zone.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
My Understanding Of A Portrait Of The Artist As A Young...
Reading and exploring various literary pieces can be an interesting task for the young mind. By observing myself and my peers I have developed an opinion, this opinion was reinforced by reading How to Read Literature Like a Professor by Thomas Foster. There are different stages of comprehension. Authors and readers utilize both experiences and prior knowledge quite often. My understanding of A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man By James Joyce was vastly impacted after reading Foster’s book. Instead of just reading the novel, I dove deeper into the text. Originally I might have just said the novel was simply a sort of biography. Instead I would consider it a search of identity and transformation of religious/spiritual perspective. Prior†¦show more content†¦Although this is its own story, it is nothing new. Considering the idea that everything is apart of one story, it is more of a symbiotic relationship. When you boil down the facts it is easier: young person, feels â€Å"special†, wants satisfaction, falls to temptations, questions moral upbringing. Sound familiar? It s basically 95% of teenagers. I find comfort in the thought that everything in the world is interconnected, but I never made that connection with literature. When a reader discerns the individuality of the text while relating with personal experience, the reading gains value. It is no secret that Joyce is a master of symbolism and allusion. The first stage of comprehension is to see as much information as possible. Next a reader learns how to pick out more important facts. You know you are getting somewhere when you notice rhetorical devices while continuing to absorb the pleasure of the story. Foster talks about how acts of communion are meaningful and representative in stories. Joyce always makes a point to describe the meal and table. He makes it evident down to the green and maroon accents. The untrained mind would have frivolously skimmed over the colors, even though they represent the irish resistance and symbolize the state of politics at the time. Likewise he alludes to the bible a multitude of times. The bible names many of the tribulations to which humans are subjected to in their lifetimes. This vastShow MoreRelated Stephens Journey to Maturation in A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by James Joyce 1234 Words  | 5 PagesMaturation i n A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by James Joyce  In A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, the author James Joyce uses the development of Stephen from a sensitive child to a rebellious young man to develop the plot of the novel. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Psychology Within Inside Out - 1018 Words
Psychology Within Inside Out The film Inside Out tells the story of a young girl named Riley and her changing emotions after she is forced to move from her home town in Minnesota to San Fransico for her father’s job. The story is told from the perspective of her five emotions. Riley’s emotions are led by Joy, who attempts to guide her through the stressful event. Although Joy puts forth great effort, Sadness takes over. When trying to protect Riley’s core memories from Sadness, Joy is swept from headquarters through the dump tube and Sadness follows. With Joy and Sadness gone, Anger, Fear, and Disgust are the only emotions left in headquarters; therefore, Riley cannot be happy or sad. Because Joy and Sadness are absent, Riley’s personality islands diminish one by one. Riley fights with her family, pushes away from her friends back home, and loses interest in hockey. As Joy and Sadness navigate through Riley’s brain in search of a way back to headquarters, they encounter many ob sticles. Back in headquarters, Anger, Fear, and Disgust place the idea of running away into Riley’s head. Joy witnesses the transformation of a sad memory into a happy memory, and finally realizes the importance of all emotions, including Sadness. With the help of Bing Bong, Riley’s imaginary friend, Joy and Sadness find their way back to headquarters and are able to stop Riley from running away. An update in headquarters takes place, and more personality islands develop. Joy learns to accept theShow MoreRelatedThe Downfall Of Positive Psychology1654 Words  | 7 Pages The Downfall of Positive Psychology In Schrank’s â€Å"Positive psychology: An Approach to Supporting Recovery in Mental Illness†he discusses the definition, history, research, and psychotherapy that is involved with positive psychology. 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Benefits of Recycling in Your Organization Free Essays
A strategical approach to recycling program is required in order to gain out of recycling program. Whereas recycling program involves investment of finances for equipment, labor and marketing for resale of recycled products, although the raw material for recycling need not be purchased as it is available as waste. [e. We will write a custom essay sample on Benefits of Recycling in Your Organization or any similar topic only for you Order Now g. waste water, cars for recycling etc. ,] Potential gains of recycling program One of the biggest gain that can be derived from recycling program is the non-levy of taxes in terms of cost as governments do not consider payment of taxes on recycled products. The second gain in terms of cost is a long-term investment in equipment/land to generate revenues from recycling program. [e. g. recycling plant for waste water/land for preparing compost to sell as fertilizer etc. ,] Potential losses of recycling program One pre-emptive loss that is unpredictable could be from the competitors of recycled products who may pull a market share through low-price bidding in order to win contracts. The second loss that is predictable is the volatility in market basing on local conditions, which fluctuates the costs, revenues and services of recycled products. Conclusion The reduce of costs in recycling program is in adopting an efficient system such as to use opportunities which reduces costs, jurisdictions that extend tax benefits and a provision for bargaining power and to use a combination of resources. Also a constant watch over market conditions also result in gain / loss of a recycling program in an organization. References Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (2005) Building Financially sustainable recycling programs Retrieved on 10 February, 2007 from http://www. dep. state. pa. us/dep/deputate/airwaste/wm/RECYCLE/document/Sust_Rpt/part_1. pdf How to cite Benefits of Recycling in Your Organization, Papers
Friday, April 24, 2020
The United Nations and the League of Nations Essay Example
The United Nations and the League of Nations Essay THE UNITED NATIONS The League of Nations Introduction: The United Nations is an international organization of independent states to promote international peace and security. Its stated aims are furthering cooperation in many international things using many different departments. On the other hand the league of Nations was an inter governmental organization in 1920. It was a cause from the Treaty of Versailles. Its main aims were the rights of man, women different colored, soldiers and avoiding war, all through using diplomacy. In the following paper I will compare these two Global organizations. Backgrounds: ?The United Nation The UN is an international organization founded in 1945. It was established after the Second World War to replace the league of nations. Its main purpose was for peace and security. The term United nation was brought from Franklin D. Roosevelt to describe the aliied countries. This term had actually taken place on January 1st 1942 when 26 government signed the Atlantic charter. Then on April, 25th 1945 50 countries had committed together and tried to develop better ways of iving safely through human rights and by also developing friendly relationships throughout different nations. And through this they had, signed the Charter which is the treaty that formed the united nations. It was first signed by 50 countries later on 51 on June 26th, 1945. in San Francisco . And because of this charter the UN has many rights to take actions in many different concerns world wide. ?The league of na tions: The league of nations was formed after the end of World War I. Its main purpose was to simply ensure that there would be no more war. We will write a custom essay sample on The United Nations and the League of Nations specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The United Nations and the League of Nations specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The United Nations and the League of Nations specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer After the turbulence of the Treaty of Versailles many awaited for the league of nations to bring stability to this world. ( Versailles treaty was the peace settlement signed in 1918 after World War I in the shadow of the Russian revolution. ) America on the other hand entered the war in 1917, the entire country (in particular president Woodrow Wilson) were scared by the slaughter that had taken place. And thought of that the only way that this crucial issue doesn’t happen again was to great an international organization that brings peace among all of the worlds nations. Therefore that would be the task of the League of Nations. This great organization had 58 members. The league had deficiency in its own armed force. It was greatly depend on the Great Powers to necessitate its resolutions, arrange an army, keeping of economic endorsement, all this for their use. Endorsements could also hurt the League members, so they were unwilling to adhere to them. The League is very well when sparrows shout, but no good at all when eagles fall out. †Goals: ?The United Nation: ?â€Å"Time is short. We must seize this historic moment to act responsibly and decisively for the common good. The United Nations main purpose is to bring all nations of this world to work together for peace and development. And this purpose is done trough justice, human dignity and the rights of all people. This organization allows opportunities for nations to balance global connections and national interest. Currently there are 192 member in the United Nations. All this members me et in the General Assembly which is basically the World Parliament. Every country in this organization is treated egually it doesn’t matter how big or small, rich or poor. Therefore every country has one single vote. The UN’s headquarters is in New York city. But everywere the building of the United nation is international territory. It even has its own flag, post office (postage stamps). There are six official languages used in this organization(Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish). The European headquarters in Palais des nations in Geneva, Switzerland. The United Nations also has offices in Austira, Jordan, Thailand, Chile and Economic Commissions in Addis Ababa In Ethiopia. ?The League of Nation: The League of Nations goal was to maintain peace and to not go to war. It also included disarmament and to prevents all wars through having collective security. Their main criterion of solving world issues and fulfilling their purpose was through diplomacy. Because United States of America did not want to join and Germany was not allowed because of a punishment (Versailles Treaty) and Russia wasn’t even seen because it is a communist state and the only two countries left were Britain and France as leaders and they had gone under financial issues, therefore the League of Nations had failed. The Impact and affect: ?The United Nations: The United Nations organization has showed great contributions in peace keeping and peace building. But the question is whether the effects of the UN peace operations’ are they lasting? As the organization itself can’t fight wars. Countires must have policies that help economic growth and also have instistutions. The United Nation lacks self-sustaing economic growth that could help in sustain a form of peace. This world can advantage from a change that involves the using of economic reforms to fill in the gaps between peace and humanitarian assistance. ?The League of Nations: As I have mentioned before throughout this research the League of Nations intention was to bring peace among all nations. And to try to stop any upcoming of any wars. And due to lack of many countries not joining the League of Nations had failed. But the greatest effects were made to the United Nation. As the United Nation is basically the modernized version of this old organization and it has taken many ideas from the League of Nations. Weaknesses: ?The United Nations: The United Nations is a great an powerful organization. Although it brings all of pros to this world, there are still a few negative points. One of the main points is non-proliferation which is basically that the member states are not strengthening the UN non-pro mechanisms. Another weakness would be the combating Terrorism which is their mechanism that they use are quiet weak, Kofi Annan (president of the United Nation) has starts a couple of ways to help strengthen them. Human rights mechanism have been held tightly by right violators and that could also be classified as a great issue. The last issue/weakness would be public relations. They need to strengthen their relationship with others which is always a weak spot for organizations. The League of Nations: Alrhough rhe League of Nations was a great organization with many great intentions, it had still failed due to many reasons. Some of those reasons/weakness is that the league had Military forces, no army . So if any country had caused aproblem there was nothing this organization could do. One of main powers for the league was set up by the Treaty of Versailles. Late r on many people criticized the treaty and went against it and that cause great weakness. Another majorwas that most of the powerful countries didn’t’ join, due to many reasons. And one of the biggest weaknesses was that the organization was a chaos as all the different parts never acted as one. So therefore the league overall didn’t not work out. Overall these two global organizations are extremely in different as stated the United Nation was a great outcome of the previous League of Nations and it was definitely of greater effects. Today the United Nations is one of the most adequate organizations worldwide, nevertheless the League of Nations will never be forgotten as the first attempt of such an international ‘assembly’. Bibliography The Oxford Handbook on the United Nations (Oxford Handbooks). New York: Oxford University Press, USA, 2009. Print. Macmillan, Margaret. Peacemakers Six Months That Changed the World. New Ed ed. London: John Murray, 2003. Print. Bennett, A. Leroy, and James K. Oliver. International Organizations: Principles and Issues (7th Edition). 7 ed. Alexandria, VA: Prentice Hall, 2001. Print. (pg. 46-47) Charter of the United Nations: Introductory Note . Welcome to the United Nations: Its Your World. N. p. , n. d. Web. 12 Nov. 2009. http://www. n. org/en/documents/charter/intro. shtml ^ Jahanpour, Farhang. The Elusiveness of Trust: the experience of Security Council and Iran (PDF). Transnational Foundation of Peace and Future Research. http://www. transnational. org/Area_MiddleEast/2008/Jahanpour_SC-Iran. pdf. Retrieved 2008-06-27. United Nations Millennium Development Goals. Welcome to the United Nations: Its Your World. N. p. , n. d. Web. 13 Dec. 2009. . Introduction to the Unit ed Nations. Welcome to the United Nations: Its Your World. N. p. , n. d. Web. 13 Dec. 2009. .
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